Digital World Freelancer

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What is Search Engine Optimization and How it is Working?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a technology and it is also a technique to optimize a search engine. SEO person is like a researcher who is doing research on a search engine that how search engine is working and what search engine want from us. Actually search engine robot always searches a fresh content.

Digital Marketing
Google bot is Google robot. It is working for fetching search relevant information and index them on search engine result pages.

I am providing a human being example to understand to robot clearly, By the way the robot is a follower who follow only instruction of his own order like in human beings, junior is following to a senior person.

If your website is following Google's algorithm then your website or blog will be shown on search engine result pages like first , second, third.... position.

Here is a basic understanding point about SEO:

1. On-Page Optimization
2. Off-Page Optimization

On-page optimization means optimizing your website according to search engine algorithm and off-page optimization means promoting your business online

*Get more acquaintance about Digital Marketing here on my blog. I hope it is helpful for you.

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